วันอังคารที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2562



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The Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC-UNESCO), established in 1960 as a body with functional autonomy within UNESCO, is the only competent organization for marine science within the UN  system. 
The purpose of the Commission is to promote international cooperation and to coordinate programmes in research, services and capacity-building, in order to learn more about the nature and resources of the ocean and coastal areas and to apply that knowledge for the improvement of management, sustainable development, the protection of the marine environment, and the decision-making processes of its Member States. In addition, IOC is recognized through the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as the competent international organization in the fields of Marine Scientific Research (Part XIII) and Transfer of Marine Technology (Part XIV).

I put my soul on my shoulder because I was too tired to walk
I've seen too many sharks coming up, too many dreams going to hell
I took my heart in my hands because he lost too much blood
To seek in vain the proofs of what you call love
I put the soul in peace because it was at war for too long
And after all this time it has become concrete
I kicked my heart because he had stopped beating
To make love
But that's enough, now I say
On earth as in heaven
Even if I don't think so
We are the whole world
I filled my eyes with mud so as not to see any more losers on my path
From pain or anger, from injustice of fate
And I served my sentence
Because life has hit my back too many times
I put on the best dress for the luck that I have to be alive
Although I don't expect the world to thank me for this reason
And I apologize to love if I didn't recognize it
I apologize to the Lord
On earth as in heaven
Now that I believe it
We are the whole world
We are all children of the same land and we are at war
We are children of the same war, in heaven as on earth
Mi sono messa l'anima in spalla perché troppo stanca per camminare 
a puttane Ho visto troppi squali venire a galla, troppi sogni andare 


Ho preso in mano il mio cuore perché ha perso troppo sangue 


A cercare invano le prove di quello che chiamate amore 


Ho messo l'anima in pace perché è stata in guerra per troppo tempo
E dopo tutto questo tempo è diventata di cemento
Ho preso a calci il mio cuore perché aveva smesso di battere
Di fare l'amore 
Ma ora basta, adesso dico 
In terra come in cielo 
Anche se non credo 
Siamo il mondo intero 
Ho riempito di fango i miei occhi per non vedere più vinti sul mio cammino
Dal dolore o dalla rabbia, per ingiustizia del destino
Ed ho ascoltato la mia pena
Perché la vita mi ha colpito troppe volte alla schiena

Ho messo il vestito migliore per la fortuna che ho di essere vivo 
Anche se non mi aspetto che il mondo mi ringrazi per questo motivo


E chiedo scusa all'amore se non l'ho riconosciuto


Chiedo scusa al signore


In terra come in cielo
Ora che ci credo
Siamo il mondo intero
Siamo tutti figli della stessa terra e siamo in guerra
Amen, amem
Siamo figli della stessa guerra, in cielo come in terra
Sathaporn: è un uomo del sud
Molta conoscenza, una carriera come insegnante
Il passato si è trasferito da La-ngu.
Vieni a vivere nel nord-est di Ban Dan Kwian
Vieni a scuola, Ban Dan Kwian volentieri
Sathaporn è un uomo del sud. Qualunque cosa tu dica, deve avere rame.
Vuoi parlare fortemente con il nordest
Consultare lo zio Fang a Ban Janrong
Zio Fang sta allestendo una banda di liquori da bidello Insegnato aforisma che
Graal, un orecchio, prova Sanjong.
Two Graal, Sanji Li
Le Tre Grazie videro il maiale tanto quanto Mee.
Graal, quattro, cinque, vide che la zia pensava che sua moglie
La pioggia, pensando che ci sia il sole.
I sette graal Gli otto graal Ho visto il sole pensato che la pioggia
Graal, nove vertigini.
Le lacrime di Graal videro la gente pensare che il bufalo d'acqua
Sathaporn insegna molte materie.
Oggi facciamo un disegno
Anche la carta per matite ha
Dare gratis. Disegnare immagini sul cancro.
Ogni studente si è seduto e si è contratto.
Disegnare il cancro non è lo stesso dei teatri.
Quindi Sathaporn è Hong.
Chiesto il bidello ... Non ho capito niente.
Il bidello è confuso e muore
È quanto è grande il cancro.
Sathaporn quindi rispose annoiato
Il cancro ha centinaia, migliaia,
Come il cancro, il cancro, il giorno
Quella farfalla. E ha il cancro
Manipola il grillo, è un cancro all'angolo.
Volare in gruppo
Le api hanno anche il cancro.
Isan Ban Eng
Hanno anche il cancro
Il cancro al gignon viene anche mangiato con l'alcol.
Sathaporn. Is a southern man.
A lot of knowledge, a career as a teacher
Yesteryear moved from La-ngu.
Come to live in the northeast at Ban Dan Kwian
Come to the school. Ban Dan Kwian willingly
Sathaporn is a southern man. Whatever you say must have copper.
Want to talk to the northeast strongly
Consult with Uncle Fang at the Ban Janrong
Uncle Fang is setting up a janitor liquor band Taught aphorism that
Grail, one ear. Sanjong try.
Two Grail, Sanji Li
The Third Grail saw pork as much as Mee.
Grail, four, five, saw aunt thought that his wife
The rain, thinking that it's sunny.
Grail Seven Grail Eight Saw the sun thought that rain
Grail, nine dizzy.
Grail's tears saw people think that water buffalo
Sathaporn teaches many subjects.
Today, let's draw a picture
Pencil paper also has
Giving away for free. Drawing cancer pictures.
Each student sat and contracted.
Drawing cancer is not the same as theaters.
So Sathaporn is Hong.
Asked the janitor..I didn't understand at all.
The janitor is confused and die
It is how big the cancer.
Sathaporn then responded bored
The cancer has hundreds, thousands,
Such as cancer, cancer, day
That butterfly. And it has cancer
Manipulate the shackle. That is a corner cancer.
Flying in groups
Bees also have cancer.
Isan Ban Eng
Also have cancer
Gignon cancer is also eaten with alcohol.

สถาพร. เป็นคนปักษ์ใต้
ความรู้มากมาย อาชีพเป็นครูปีกลายย้ายจากละงูมาอยู่อีสาน ที่บ้านด่านเกวียนมาประจำโรงเรียน.บ้านด่านเกวียนด้วยความเต็มใจสถาพรเป็นคนปักษ์ใต้ พูดอะไรก็ต้องมีทองแดงอยากพูดอีสานอย่างแรงปรึกษาลุงแฟงที่บ้านภารโรงลุงแฟงกำลังตั้งวงสุราภารโรง ก็สอนคำพังเพยว่าจอกหนึ่ง หูซันจองลองจอกสอง หูซันจีหลี่จอกสาม เห็นหมูเท่าแมงหมี่จอกสี่จอกห้า เห็นป้านึกว่าเมียจอกหก ฝนตกนึกว่าแดดออกจอกเจ็ดจอกแปด เห็นแดดนึกว่าฝนจอกเก้า ตาลายพิกลจอกสิบ วกวน เห็นคนนึกว่าควายสถาพรสอนหลายวิชาวันนี้เรามาวาดรูปดูสิกระดาษ ดินสอก็มีแจกให้ฟรี .ให้วาดรูปมะเร็งนักเรียนละก็นั่งตัวเกร็งวาดมะเร็งก็ไม่เป็นกันทั้งโรงสถาพรก็เลยเป็นฮงถามภารโรง. .ผมไม่เข้าใจเลยภารโรงละก็งงก็ซิตายมันเป็นก็จังใดครับไอ้โตมะเร็งสถาพรละก็ตอบเซ็งเซ็งตัวมะเร็งมีเป็นร้อยเป็นพันเช่นมะเร็งหวี่ มะเร็งวันผีเสื้อตัวนั้น. ละมันก็เป็นมะเร็งชักใยโตงเตง .นั่นก็มะเร็งมุมที่บินมาเป็นกลุ่มผึ้งก็เป็นมะเร็งอีสานบ้านเอ็งก็มีมะเร็งกินูนมะเร็งกินูนก็เอาไว้แกล้มกับสุราไง
Il primo negozio KFC fu aperto nel 1939 dal tenente colonnello Harland David Sanders in una stazione di servizio del carburante a Corbin, nel Kentucky. Più tardi nel 1952, quando l'attività divenne popolare Il colonnello Sanders vendette quindi l'attività a un altro gruppo di investitori nel 1962 per un valore di 2 milioni di dollari USA.
ร้านเคเอฟซีแห่งแรกเปิดขึ้นในปี 2482 โดยผู้พันฮาร์แลนด์เดวิดแซนเดอร์สที่สถานีบริการน้ำมันในคอร์บินเคนตักกี้ ต่อมาในปีพ. ศ. 2495 เมื่อธุรกิจกลายเป็นที่นิยมของผู้พันแซนเดอร์สก็ขายธุรกิจให้กับกลุ่มนักลงทุนอีกคนหนึ่งในปี 2505 ด้วยมูลค่า 2 ล้านดอลลาร์สหรัฐ
The first KFC store opened in 1939 by Colonel Harland David Sanders at a gas station in Corbin, Kentucky. Later in 1952, when the business became Popularity of Colonel Sanders sold the business to another investor group in 1962 for a value of 2 million US dollars.

Storia del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione
Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione Originariamente chiamato Il Ministero del Dharma è stato istituito il 1 ° aprile, era Rattanakosin, 111 anni del drago e corrisponde al compleanno del re nel 1892.
Re Chulalongkorn Il Ministero del Dharma nella prima fase è responsabile della gestione della religione, dell'istruzione, dell'assistenza infermieristica e dei musei. Ci sono 5 dipartimenti nel dipartimento che è il dipartimento centrale del Dharma.
Dipartimento dell'Istruzione Dipartimento del Dipartimento infermieristico del Museo E il dipartimento episcopale Il nome di questo ministero Il nome è stato modificato più volte come segue
Il Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione ha attualmente compiti primari: istruzione, religione e cultura: ci sono 5 dipartimenti a livello di ufficio e ci sono organizzazioni. Agenzie governative / agenzie regolatorie del Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione da quando sono state istituite fino ad oggi
History of the Ministry of Education
Ministry of Education Originally called The Dharma Ministry was established on 1 April, it was Rattanakosin, 111 years of the dragon and corresponds to the king's birthday in 1892.
King Chulalongkorn The Ministry of Dharma in the first phase is responsible for the management of religion, education, nursing and museums. There are 5 departments in the department which is the central Dharma department.
Department of Education Department of the Museum's Nursing Department And the Episcopal Department The name of this Ministry The name has been changed several times as follows
Ministry of Education Nowadays Its main duties are education, religion and culture. There are 5 divisions at the office level and there are organizations. Public / regulatory agencies Ministry of Education Since its inception until present, many places have been moved together.
กระทรวงศึกษาธิการ แต่เดิมมีชื่อว่า กระทรวงธรรมการตั้งขึ้นเมื่อวันที่ 1 เมษายน รัตนโกสินทร์ศก 111 ปี มะโรง ตรงกับพุทธศักราช 2435 ในรัชกาลพระบาทสมเด็จ
พระจุลจอมเกล้าเจ้าอยู่หัว กระทรวงธรรมการในระยะแรกมีหน้าที่จัดการพระศาสนา การศึกษา การพยาบาลและพิพิธภัณฑ์ มีกรมในสังกัด 5 กรมคือ กรมธรรมการกลาง 
กรมศึกษาธิการ กรมพยาบาล กรมพิพิธภัณฑ์ และกรมสังฆการี ชื่อของกระทรวงนี้ ได้มีการเปลี่ยนชื่อกลับไปกลับมาหลายครั้ง ดังนี้
ปัจจุบันกระทรวงศึกษาธิการมีภารกิจหลักคือการศึกษาศาสนาและวัฒนธรรม: มี 5 แผนกในระดับสำนักงานและมีองค์กรต่างๆ หน่วยงานราชการ / หน่วยงานกำกับดูแลของกระทรวงศึกษาธิการตั้งแต่จัดตั้งขึ้นมาจนถึงปัจจุบัน

Father's Day is an important day to celebrate fatherhood and people who respect being a father. Father's Day that is around the world will be held differently. In Thailand, on the 5th of December every year, in more than 50 countries, the third Sunday of June
John B. Dodd, the American pioneer of Father's Day. By starting in Fairmont State of west virginia First started on 5 July 1918 in a church in Fairmont. [1]
La festa del papà è un giorno importante per celebrare la paternità e le persone che rispettano la paternità. La festa del papà che esiste in tutto il mondo si svolgerà in modo diverso. In Tailandia il 5 dicembre di ogni anno in oltre 50 paesi, la terza domenica di giugno
John B. Dodd, pioniere americano nella festa del papà Iniziò per la prima volta a Fairmont, nel West Virginia, il 5 luglio 1918 in una chiesa a Fairmont. [1]
วันพ่อเป็นวันสำคัญในการเฉลิมฉลองความเป็นพ่อและผู้คนที่เคารพในความเป็นพ่อ วันพ่อแห่งนี้ที่มีอยู่ทั่วโลกจะถูกจัดขึ้นที่แตกต่างกัน ในประเทศไทยในวันที่ 5 ธันวาคมของทุกปีในกว่า 50 ประเทศวันอาทิตย์ที่สามของเดือนมิถุนายน
John B. Dodd ผู้บุกเบิกชาวอเมริกันในวันพ่อแห่งชาติ โดยเริ่มต้นในรัฐแฟร์มอนต์ของเวสต์เวอร์จิเนียครั้งแรกเริ่มเมื่อวันที่ 5 กรกฎาคม ค.ศ. 1918 ในโบสถ์แห่งหนึ่งในแฟร์มอนท์ [1]

On Khao Phansa Day and during the rainy season throughout the 3 months, Thai Buddhists are considered to be a good opportunity to make merit by entering temples, making merit by offering food to monks. Listen to sermons The special thing from other important days is the offering of candles or Lent candles. And rain showers (Buddhist cloth) for the monks as well In order to allow monks to use for living in the Lent. In the past, Thai men who are Buddhists at the age of 20 years old (ordained) ordained as a monk ordination to stay in the rainy season throughout the 3 month rainy season.
ในวันเข้าพรรษาและในช่วงฤดูฝนตลอด 3 เดือนชาวไทยพุทธถือว่าเป็นโอกาสที่ดีในการทำบุญด้วยการเข้าวัดทำบุญด้วยการทำบุญตักบาตร ฟังคำเทศนาสิ่งพิเศษจากวันสำคัญอื่น ๆ คือการถวายเทียนหรือเทียนเข้าพรรษา และฝักบัวสายฝน (ผ้าชาวพุทธ) สำหรับพระสงฆ์เช่นกันเพื่อให้พระสงฆ์สามารถใช้ในการเข้าพรรษาได้ ในอดีตคนไทยที่เป็นชาวพุทธอายุ 20 ปี (บวช) ออกบวชเป็นพระภิกษุเพื่ออยู่ในฤดูฝนตลอด 3 เดือน
Nel giorno di Khao Phansa e durante la stagione delle piogge durante i 3 mesi, i buddisti tailandesi considerano come una buona opportunità per guadagnare merito entrando nei templi, guadagnando valore offrendo elemosine ai monaci. Ascoltare sermoni speciali di altri giorni importanti è l'offerta di candele o candele prestate. E docce a pioggia (stoffa buddista) anche per i monaci in modo che i monaci possano usarlo in Quaresima In passato i thailandesi buddisti di 20 anni (ordinati) venivano ordinati monaci per rimanere nella stagione delle piogge per 3 mesi.

Buddismo o buddismo (Pali: buddhasāsana Putthasana, sanscrito: buddha buddha buddismo) è una religione in cui il Signore Buddha è un Maestro. Con gli insegnamenti del Dharma che gli piacciono da soli E la insegnò come una dottrina importante: c'erano monaci (monaci, monache), discepoli che decisero di ordinare di studiare e praticare secondo gli insegnamenti della disciplina del Dharma del Buddha Per raggiungere il suo obiettivo è il Nirvana E costruisci sangha È una comunità per ereditare gli insegnamenti del re
พุทธศาสนาหรือพระพุทธศาสนา (บาลี: buddhasāsana Putthasana, สันสกฤต: พระพุทธศาสนาพระพุทธศาสนา) เป็นศาสนาที่พระพุทธเจ้าเป็นอาจารย์ ด้วยคำสอนของธรรมะที่เขาชอบด้วยตัวเองและเขาสอนมันเป็นหลักคำสอนที่สำคัญ: มีพระ (ภิกษุณี, แม่ชี), สาวกที่ตัดสินใจที่จะสั่งการศึกษาและการปฏิบัติตามคำสอนของธรรมะของพระพุทธเจ้าไปถึง เป้าหมายคือนิพพานและสร้างสังฆะเป็นชุมชนแห่งการสืบทอดคำสอนของกษัตริย์
Buddhism or Buddhism (Pali: buddhasāsana Putthasana, Sanskrit: Buddhism, Buddhism) is a religion in which the Lord Buddha is a teacher. With the teachings of Dharma that he likes by himself, and he teaches it as an important doctrine: there are monks (nuns, nuns), disciples who decide to direct the study and practice of the teachings of the Dharma of the Lord Buddha. To The goal is nirvana and the Sangha is a community of inheriting the teachings of the king.

Children are the least responsible for climate change, yet they will bear the greatest burden of its impact.
This is the first time a global generation of children will grow up in a world made far more dangerous and uncertain as a result of a changing climate and degraded environment.
The participation of young people is a necessity if the interests of future generations are to be safeguarded.
The evidence for the impacts of climate change and air pollution on children is firm and growing.
I bambini sono i meno responsabili dei cambiamenti climatici, eppure avranno il peso maggiore del suo impatto.
Questa è la prima volta che una generazione globale di bambini crescerà in un mondo reso molto più pericoloso e incerto a causa del cambiamento climatico e dell'ambiente degradato.
La partecipazione dei giovani è una necessità per salvaguardare gli interessi delle generazioni future.
Le prove dell'impatto dei cambiamenti climatici e dell'inquinamento atmosferico sui bambini sono solide e in crescita.
Sustainable energy and disaster risk response in schools
Schools that are environmentally sustainable and resilient to natural disasters are some of the best ways we can protect children in the face of a changing climate. Renewable energy (e.g. solar power) enables lighting and connectivity in areas where grid power is lacking. This supports education by allowing school meals to be cooked and solar lanterns to be charged for students to take home to do their homework.
In Kenya, for example, UNICEF has supported sustainable energy solutions, including solar lighting for schools, solar pumps in communities vulnerable to drought and floods, and a pilot social protection cash transfer programme which provides off-grid energy solutions to improve children’s learning and health.
Energia sostenibile e risposta al rischio di catastrofi nelle scuole
Le scuole sostenibili dal punto di vista ambientale e resistenti alle catastrofi naturali sono alcuni dei modi migliori in cui possiamo proteggere i bambini di fronte a un clima che cambia. L'energia rinnovabile (ad es. Energia solare) consente l'illuminazione e la connettività in aree in cui manca la rete. Ciò supporta l'educazione consentendo la preparazione dei pasti scolastici e l'addebito di lanterne solari per gli studenti da portare a casa per fare i compiti.
In Kenya, ad esempio, l'UNICEF ha sostenuto soluzioni energetiche sostenibili, tra cui l'illuminazione solare per le scuole, le pompe solari nelle comunità vulnerabili a siccità e inondazioni e un programma pilota di trasferimento di denaro per la protezione sociale che fornisce soluzioni energetiche off-grid per migliorare l'apprendimento e la salute dei bambini .

วันจันทร์ที่ 18 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2562

Lavoro Arte

Avere esperienza e fare affari al servizio di pompe fustellate e lavori di taglio in una varietà di settori
Come l'industria automobilistica, l'imballaggio elettrico, i mobili, ecc.
Con una lunga esperienza Nella prima fase, approvvigionamento di importazione E distribuire Tutti i tipi di nastro adesivo industriale
Per molte aziende industriali leader a Bangkok E in campagna Nel 2013 l'azienda ha investito in macchinari moderni Per supportare più lavori in laminato e fustellati
Estendendosi dalle attività precedenti E supporta le esigenze di vari clienti.
Perfect Innovation Company Limited opera secondo il sistema. Gestione della qualità 
ISO 9001: 2015
Che è stato ispezionato e certificato da un istituto credibile Definiamo gli standard dell'organizzazione.
Costruire fiducia nella produzione E creare soddisfazione nei prodotti e servizi dei clienti come importante

Have expertise and do business in service of die cut pumps and slitting work in a variety of industries
Such as automobile industry, electrical packaging, furniture, etc.
With long experience In the first phase, import procurement And distribute All types of industrial adhesive tape
For many leading industrial companies in Bangkok And upcountry. In 2013, the company invested in modern machinery To support more laminate and die cut jobs
By extending from previous business And supports the needs of various customers.
Perfect Innovation Company Limited operates according to the system. Quality Management ISO 9001: 2015
Which has been inspected and certified by a credible institution Let's define the standards of the organization.
To build confidence in production And to create satisfaction in the products and services of customers as important

มีความเชี่ยวชาญและทำธุรกิจเกี่ยวกับการบริการ ปั๊ม ไดคัทและ สลิทติ้ง งานในหลากหลายประเภทอุตสาหกรรม
เช่น อุตสาหกรรมรถยนต์ บรรจุภัณฑ์  ไฟฟ้า เฟอร์นิเจอร์ ฯลฯ
โดยมีประสบการณ์ยาวนาน  ซึ่งในระยะแรกเป็นการจัดหานำเข้า และจัดจำหน่าย เทปกาวอุตสาหกรรมทุกชนิด
ให้กับบริษัทอุตสาหกรรมชั้นนำมากมายทั้งในกรุงเทพฯ และต่างจังหวัด  ต่อมาในปี 2013  บริษัทฯ ได้ลงทุนในเครื่องจักรที่ทันสมัย เพื่อรองรับงาน ลามิเนต และไดคัทงานเพิ่มขึ้น
บริษัท เพอร์เฟ็คอินโนเวชั่น จำกัด ดำเนินงานตามระบบ การจัดการคุณภาพ ISO 9001: 2015

ด้วยการมาถึงของฤดูใบไม้ผลิถึงเวลาที่จะฉลองผลไม้สดและผักตามฤดูกาลเหมาะสำหรับการเตรียมร่างกายของเราให้พร้อมสำหรับอุณหภูมิที่อบอุ่นและผิวของเราเพื่อรับแสงแดดมากขึ้น หน่อไม้ฝรั่งและถั่วฟาว่าเปล่งประกายในผักฤดูใบไม้ผลิและผลไม้เห็นการมาถึงของเชอร์รี่และสตรอเบอร์รี่ ส่วนผสมตามฤดูกาลอื่น ๆ ที่เราสามารถรวมในรายการขายของชำในฤดูใบไม้ผลิของเราคือบวบ (ปลายฤดูใบไม้ผลิ / ต้นฤดูร้อน) และมะนาว
บางทีไม่มีผักชนิดอื่นที่ประกาศการมาถึงของฤดูใบไม้ผลิในอิตาลีมากเท่ากับถั่วฟาว่า สูตรเด่นของที่นี่ได้รับแรงบันดาลใจมาจาก Ligurian speciality mar preserv และคงรสชาติที่เป็นเอกลักษณ์ของถั่วฟาว่าดิบ สมบูรณ์แบบเป็นอาหารจานหรือโยนในพาสต้าของคุณ

Con l'arrivo della stagione primaverile, è tempo di banchettare con frutta e verdura fresche di stagione, ideali per preparare i nostri corpi alle temperature più calde e la nostra pelle per una maggiore esposizione al sole. Asparagi e fave brillano tra le verdure primaverili e la frutta vede l'arrivo di ciliegie e fragole. Altri ingredienti di stagione che possiamo includere nella nostra lista della spesa di primavera sono zucchine (tarda primavera / inizio estate) e limoni.
Forse nessun altro ortaggio ha annunciato l'arrivo della primavera in Italia tanto quanto le fave. La ricetta distintiva qui è ispirata alla specialità mar ligure e conserva il sapore unico delle fave crude. Perfetto come antipasto o gettato nella tua pasta.

With the arrival of the spring season, it is time to feast on fresh, seasonal fruit and vegetables, ideal to prepare our bodies for the warmer temperatures and our skin for greater sun exposure. Asparagus and fava beans shine among spring vegetables, and fruit sees the arrival of cherries and strawberries. Other seasonal ingredients we can include in our spring grocery list are zucchini (late spring/early summer) and lemons.
Perhaps no other vegetable heralds the arrival of spring in Italy so much as the fava bean. The recipe featured here is inspired by the Ligurian specialty marò, and preserves the unique flavor of the raw fava bean. Perfect as an appetizer, or to toss in your pasta.

บังกะโล (ภาษาฮินดี: बुन्गलोव; อังกฤษ: บังกะโล) หรือที่เรียกว่ารีสอร์ท ซึ่งเป็นห้องราคาถูกสำหรับนักท่องเที่ยวหรือนักเดินทางไปพักบังกะโลเปรียบได้กับโรงแรมจะไม่มีบริการหรือความหรูหราแบบเดียวกับโรงแรม บังกะโลจะเน้นที่ธรรมชาติมากที่สุด บังกะโลส่วนใหญ่ตั้งอยู่ใกล้แหล่งท่องเที่ยวทางธรรมชาติ

Bungalow (Hindi: बुन्गलोव; Inglese: bungalow) Conosciuto anche come resort. Che è una stanza economica per i turisti o Il viaggiatore è andato a stare A cui i bungalow sono paragonabili L'hotel non avrà gli stessi servizi o il lusso dell'hotel. I bungalow si concentreranno sul più naturale. La maggior parte dei bungalow si trova vicino alle attrazioni naturali.

Bungalow (Hindi: बुन्गलोव; English: bungalow) Also known as a resort. Which is a cheap room for tourists or The traveler went to stay Which the bungalows are comparable to The hotel will not have the same amenities or luxury as the hotel. The bungalows will focus on the most natural. Most of the bungalows are located near the natural attractions.

หลักสูตรบัณฑิตศึกษา [1] (ศศ.บ. , BA หรือ AB จาก baccalaureus artium และ artium baccalaureus ในภาษาอังกฤษ) เป็นวิชาทางวิชาการ โดยทั่วไปใช้สามถึงสี่ปีขึ้นไปพร้อมกับความรู้และความเชี่ยวชาญเฉพาะวิชาที่ไม่เหมือนใคร baccalaureus (เบอร์รี่หมายถึงเบอร์รีและ laureus หมายถึง "ของใบกระวาน" จากภาษาละติน) ไมค์ ควรสับสนกับ baccalaureatus (แปลว่า "คทาเคลือบทองคำ" จากคำว่า bacum aureatus และในภาษาละติน) ซึ่งมาจากการศึกษาหนึ่งถึงสองปีหลังปริญญาตรี ศิลปศาสตรบัณฑิตด้วยเกียรตินิยม (Baccalaureatus in Artibus Cum Honore) ในบางประเทศ
โดยทั่วไปแล้วประกาศนียบัตรจะประกอบด้วยชื่อของสถาบันลายมือชื่อของเจ้าหน้าที่ของสถาบัน (โดยทั่วไปคือนายทะเบียนมหาวิทยาลัยรวมถึงคณบดีของวิทยาลัยร่วม) ประเภทของทุนที่ให้ปริญญา ทำจากกระดาษหรือหนังคุณภาพสูง แต่ละสถาบันจะระบุตัวย่อพิเศษสำหรับระดับของพวกเขา [2] ศิลปศาสตรบัณฑิตโดยปกติจะสำเร็จการศึกษาในระยะเวลาสี่ปีในอัฟกานิสถาน เลบานอน อาร์เมเนีย เคนยา แคนาดา กรีซ บังคลาเทศ อาเซอร์ไบจาน อียิปต์ อิหร่าน ญี่ปุ่น คาซัคสถาน ลิทัวเนีย ไนจีเรีย เซอร์เบีย สเปน ปากีสถาน ฟิลิปปินส์ ไทย รัสเซีย ไอร์แลนด์ เกาหลีใต้ อิรัก คูเวต ตุรกี ฮ่องกง สหรัฐ และส่วนใหญ่ในทวีปอเมริกา[3] จบการศึกษาโดยทั่วไปเป็นเวลาสามปีในสหภาพยุโรปและเกือบทั้งหมดในแอลเบเนีย, ออสเตรเลีย, บอสเนียและเฮอร์เซโกวีนา, อินเดีย, อิสราเอล, นิวซีแลนด์, ไอซ์แลนด์, นอร์เวย์, สิงคโปร์, แคริบเบียน, แอฟริกาใต้, สวิตเซอร์แลนด์และจังหวัดควิเบกในแคนาดา ศิลปศาสตรบัณฑิตสามารถสำเร็จการศึกษาในสองปีโดยได้รับประกาศนียบัตรจากภายนอก

Bachelor of Arts [1] (B.Ed., BA o AB presso baccalaureus artium e artium baccalaureus in latino) è un titolo accademico ottenuto da un corso di laurea triennale. Nelle arti liberali, nelle scienze o in entrambe, il programma di Bachelor in genere dura da tre a quattro anni, a seconda del paese, dell'istituzione e della specializzazione, maggiore o minore. Il termine baccalaureus (bacca significa bacche e laureus significa "foglia di alloro" da Latino) non deve essere confuso con baccalaureatus (tradotto come "scettro placcato in oro" dalla parola bacum e aureatus in latino) che proviene da uno studio due o due anni dopo la laurea. Laurea con lode (Baccalaureatus in Artibus Cum Honore) in alcuni paesi
Il diploma generalmente consiste nel nome dell'istituzione Firma del personale dell'Istituto (Generalmente il cancelliere dell'università, nonché il decano di un collegio congiunto), il tipo di concessione della laurea e dove ottenere la laurea I certificati vengono generalmente stampati su fogli di carta o pelle di alta qualità. Ogni istituzione specificherà un acronimo speciale per il loro grado. [2]
Laurea triennale, normalmente si laurea in quattro anni in Afghanistan, Libano, Armenia, Kenya, Canada, Grecia, Bangladesh, Azerbaigian, Egitto, Iran, Giappone, Kazakistan, Lituania, Nigeria, Serbia, Spagna, Pakistan, Filippine, Tailandia Russia, Irlanda, Corea del Sud, Iraq, Kuwait, Turchia, Hong Kong, Stati Uniti e gran parte delle Americhe. [3]Laureato in generale per tre anni in quasi tutta l'UE e in Albania, Australia, Bosnia ed Erzegovina, India, Israele, Nuova Zelanda, Islanda, Norvegia, Singapore, Caraibi, Sudafrica, Svizzera E la provincia del Quebec in Canada In Pakistan, il Bachelor of Arts può laurearsi in due anni ricevendo un diploma esterno.

Bachelor of Arts [1] (B.Ed., BA or AB from baccalaureus artium and artium baccalaureus in Latin) is an academic degree obtained from a bachelor's degree program. In liberal arts, sciences, or both, the Bachelor of Arts program generally lasts three to four years, depending on the country, institution, and specialization, major or minor. The term baccalaureus (bacca means berries and laureus means "of bay leaf" from Latin)Should not be confused with baccalaureatus (translated as "gold plated scepter" from the word bacum and aureatus in Latin) which comes from a study two to two years after bachelor's degree. Bachelor of Arts with Honors (Baccalaureatus in Artibus Cum Honore) in some countries
The diploma generally consists of the name of the institution Signature of the institute's official (Generally the chancellor of the university as well as the dean of a joint college), the type of degree granting and where to get the degree Certificates are usually printed on high quality paper or leather sheets. Each institution will specify a special acronym for their degree. [2]
Bachelor of Arts, normally graduating in four years in Afghanistan, Lebanon, Armenia, Kenya, Canada, Greece, Bangladesh, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Nigeria, Serbia, Spain, Pakistan, Philippines, Thailand Russia, Ireland, South Korea, Iraq, Kuwait, Turkey, Hong Kong, the United States and most of the Americas. [3]Graduated in general for three years in almost all the European Union and Albania, Australia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, India, Israel, New Zealand, Iceland, Norway, Singapore, Caribbean, South Africa, Switzerland And the province of Quebec in Canada In Pakistan, Bachelor of Arts can graduate in two years by receiving an external degree.